Dhakir Warren, high school director of student affairs, steps into a new role this summer as executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Martha’s Vineyard.
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School committee heard an extensive progress report Monday on an ongoing MCAS test preparation program at the high school, as the state-sanctioned standardized test nears.
After a year-long pandemic and tightened by a sizzling real estate market, the Vineyard summer rental market is experiencing an unprecedented boom this year.
On Tuesday, a group of town officials and biologists gathered at Lagoon Pond to install an underwater camera to monitor the pond’s herring population, which for many years has seen a long decline.
The Island public schools are on track to begin full time in-person learning for students of all ages at the end of April, including high school students.
Steamship Authority governors voted Wednesday to approve a change order for the multi-million dollar marine side Woods Hole Terminal renovation project, but not before delivering sharp criticisms about the project’s mounting costs.
The Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club has named Dhakir Warren as its new executive director beginning in June, the club’s board announced in a press release Wednesday.
Chilmark selectmen convened briefly Monday to finalize the dates of the annual town meeting and annual town election, as well as to review ballot questions for upcoming election as voting season nears.