Recycling plans, injury rates and manufacturing plans were among the details parsed at a hearing of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission Thursday, as testimony began to wind down on a long-running review of the regional high school’s proposed athletic field renovation.
Shuttered for months — and in some cases a year — Vineyard restaurants, retailers and grocery stores are opening their doors for the season again with hope for a more normal spring and summer.
The new date for town meeting will be May 24, while the annual town election — which will include override votes and a race for the recently vacated role of town moderator — will be held on May 26.
In a playful presentation with elementary school students at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, Marc Brown, the creator of Arthur, looked back at his career.
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission approved a policy for pricing leases at the airport business park at a financially-focused meeting last week, capping a nine-month review process with the FAA.
As new design and engineering plans take shape for the state-funded reconstruction project on Beach Road, town officials bristled this week at the prospect of added costs.
Frederick Khedouri, a benefactor for the Menemsha fishing community, was the high bidder on a four-acre parcel of town-owned land off Meeting House Road.