Mark Alan Lovewell

Mercury, Venus and Mars

Low in the southwestern sky tonight and for the week ahead, the planets Mercury and Venus appear close together. Every night ahead, they get closer. This is a good time to look, for late in the coming week you may miss the two as two; they are that close.

A pair of binoculars will separate them nicely as a pair at the end of next week. Look now and you get to watch the two as they get together. But it is tough finding them, as they are both so close to the southwestern horizon, after sunset.

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Crescent Moon, Mercury and Venus

Vineyard Skies for Friday, May 14, 2021.

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Mercury, Venus and Pleiades

The early evening show continues to get better in the coming week.

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This is a great week to look for the most visual challenging planet in our skies.

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Three Evening Planets

Mars is visible high in the southwestern sky after sunset. The red planet is the brightest object above the trees.

Closer to the horizon, star gazers might want to take the challenge of looking for an even brighter planet. Venus is very close to the horizon after sunset, in the west-northwest. The planet is visible when the weather is clear and cloudless. The fainter planet Mercury is right next to Venus. The two planets are closest together Saturday night.

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St. Pierre School Celebrates Its Years of Memories: This Summer Is for Dorothy

Eugene Baer, teacher of art at the Tisbury School, would never have come to Martha’s Vineyard had it not been for the St. Pierre summer school. He was introduced to the school as a student in college, when he was looking for work as a counselor. “I had never heard of Martha’s Vineyard,” he says.

According to Barbara St. Pierre-Peipon, Mr. Baer’s story is not unique: many people first heard of the school before learning of the Vineyard. As the school goes through its 46th year, its reputation continues to spread.

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Crescent Moon and Planets

Tonight the crescent moon appears under the bright red planet Mars. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Taurus. The moon appears above Mars tomorrow night.

Looking ahead you might get a glimpse of the brilliant planet Venus now low in the southwestern sky after sunset. Venus is tough to see right now. But if you are at Menemsha Beach or standing at the West Chop overlook after sunset you have a pretty good chance.

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Starry Spring Nights

So much has changed overhead at night. The transition from winter to spring is complete overhead.

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Crescent Moon, Jupiter and Saturn

Mornings offer the best time to look for planets and the moon in the coming week.

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Mud Moon

Three visible planets have lined up in the southeastern sky in the morning.

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