On Tuesday, Chappy got two full inches of rain. As long as it’s raining we might as well get plenty. Salt water surged around the footings of the ferry house and the wind gusted to 50 mph.
The Chappy Ferry Captain and Crew appreciation potluck supper will take place at the Chappy Community Center as per tradition on the first Wednesday in December. Appetizers begin at 6 p.m. with the buffet line forming up at 6:30 p.m.
A couple of weeks back, I mentioned half-jokingly the horror of depending on just one ferry boat to service Chappaquiddick Island. We’re on pins and needles the whole time that one of the boats is out of service.
Eleanore Benedict Hoar loved stormy weather, so it is very fitting that her burial in the Chappy graveyard on the shore of Pocha Pond was accompanied by a blustery nor’easter.
September is the best month to be on the Vineyard. It is the perfect time to hike the trails on Chappy; our version of the Appalachian Trail runs clear across the heart of the island.
Kevin Keady’s Cattle Drivers continue their hurricane season tour with a show at Mytoi Garden on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Such a wonderful pairing of two Chappy treasures.
Chappy’s star of the stage, Jared Livingston, is playing the part of John Darling in the Island Theater Workshops’ production of Peter Pan. He bravely sings and dances in front of a huge crowd of theatre patrons.
Be on the lookout for our most recently arrived public enemy, the Lone Star tick. This critter is roughly the same size as the adult deer tick, but with a distinct single white spot on the center of its back.
For a quarter of a century the CCC has been the true center of activity on Chappy. Celebrate with us on Sunday, July 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. at a casual open house with beverages and heavy hor d’oeurves served.