Suzan Bellincampi

Bathing Beauties

"Sun, sun, sun, here we come," might be the adapted Beatles song if sung by a bale, turn, or flotilla (all names for a group) of painted turtles.

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Warranted Warnings

Is it fair to forsake a whole category of creature?

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Fighting Fleas

Fleas are not fun, unless they are of the circus-performing variety. 

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A Nutty Tale

Everybody’s got a story but Trip Barnes has more stories than anybody. 

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Mighty Mites

Susan Straight of Chilmark isn’t being saucy when she insists that she finds the most interesting things in her outdoor shower.   

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Weedy Wildflower

If we pull it off, it will be a great caper.

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Dangling Overhead

Pat Tyra wants to know who to call. Would it be animal control, public works, landscape or a pest control professional?  

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Monthlong Bloom

The question would confuse even Shakespeare. To hyphenate or not to hyphenate?   

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Sea Wolves

Orcas sleep with one eye open.

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Invasive Species

I am very pro-choice when it comes to plants. However, I do draw the line at invasive species.

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