Suzan Bellincampi

Two Flies

It is a story of two flies and two siblings.

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Know the Drill

You know the drill, or maybe you don't.

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Gorgeous Groundnut

Folks are getting nuts in Aquinnah.

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Aquatic Adventurer

It could have been a plant from another planet — an alien invader.

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Rare Hawthorns

There is a plant that can only be found on our Island and nowhere else in the world. Let that sink in for a minute.

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Wondering at Woodruff

While my companions all looked up, I gazed to the ground.

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Disaster Averted

It might have been a domestic disaster. This is a good news-bad news kind of garden story.

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Poetry of Moss

Robin Wall Kimmerer, self-described "mother, scientist, decorated professor and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation," wrote the book on moss.

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It was cause for shell-ibration, if not rapture, when I found a special shell on an Island beach.

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Funny Flowers

Hyacinths are funny flowers; big, bold and exaggerated.

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