Bacterial water contamination that affected the West Tisbury town hall, Grange Hall and the former town library on Music street has ended after the...
Military Care Packages Donations are being collected to support care packages containing foodstuffs and personal items to be sent to Islanders...
Architect Weighs In On Monday morning, the Edgartown Library building committee’s weekly public meeting will include a presentation by architect...
Corrections A story in the Sept. 24 Gazette about the Edgartown Library building project incorrectly named the chairman of the Edgartown Library...
A public hearing on revisions to a bylaw in Edgartown that regulates hours for construction and landscaping crews drew lively and varied comments...
The fall sitting of Dukes County Superior Court opens Monday in the Edgartown courthouse; the Hon. Cornelius Moriarty 3rd will preside over the...
As budget planning begins for the coming fiscal year, Oak Bluffs is projecting a budget shortfall, the chairman of the finance committee told town...
A decision by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission decision to review the expansion of an Oak Bluffs restaurant last week spilled into heated words at...
On Tuesday morning West Tisbury School science teacher Karl Nelson told his eighth grade class the outcome of the lab experiment they were about to...
My cherry tomatoes have worked a miracle: they’ve made me regret the passing of summer. I don’t like summer. Almost every year it settles in like...
Hurricane Forecast We felt the wonder of the moment. . . standing silent, awaiting the outcome of an event unfolding untouched by human...
QUICK RESPONSE Editors, Vineyard Gazette: My family and I would like to thank the Edgartown police department and the Edgartown fire department...
