Don’t let Mother Nature fool you. She can take a joke. She was, perhaps, the original jokester, fooling us with species such as “false albacore”...
Soccer Registration Walk-in registration for youth soccer’s spring recreational season will be held on Saturday, April 4, from 9 a.m. to noon at...
Emergency Money Dukes County was awarded $229,728 to support its 911 emergency dispatch communications center and enhance public safety. The...
Vineyard officials testified before the state legislature yesterday in support of a bill that would merge the Dukes County Sheriff’s Department...
Luther Tacknash Madison died peacefully at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital on Thursday night, March 12, after a long illness, during which, as...
Can you imagine a structure almost 300 feet tall, just a mile or so outside Edgartown? Well, a couple of weeks from now, you won’t have to; you’ll...
A proposal to turn the building that until last year housed the Vineyard’s only nightclub, Outerland, into a delicatessen and seasonal package...
Revetments, armories, groins, jetties, ripraps — the walls of stone built to protect a length of bluff from erosion go by many names, but in...
Some Island beaches are getting plenty of attention. Over a hundred volunteers gathered on the Oak Bluffs side of the Joseph Sylvia State Beach...
Today is the first day of spring. Last Saturday, Tom Hodgson of West Tisbury reports, he pulled back some leaf litter at the base of a white oak in...
It’s a sure sign of spring when American Cancer Society volunteers take to the streets with bunches of daffodils in hand. Vineyarders buy bouquets...
The man in black, from his boots to bejewelled beret, was impeccably groomed on Tuesday as he stroked he neatly trimmed white beard and lamented...
