A longstanding dispute between the Steamship Authority and Ralph Packer’s barge operation over the annual transport of rental cars to the Island...
Oak Bluffs school principal Laury Binney is leading the charge in cuts to Island elementary school budgets, with a proposed nine cuts to positions...
town hall
With the country in a recession, all six Vineyard towns yesterday rushed to file applications to receive funding through an ambitious economic...
JOHN S. ALLEY 508-693-2950 (alleys@vineyard.net) Well, we got smacked up side of the head on New Year’s Eve with a snow storm, howling winds,...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 (vhavenvgazette@yahoo.com)
JUNE MANNING 508-645-2574 (lthslnks@gis.net)
JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 (slaterjn@comcast.net)
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 (kathleencase@comcast.net) This is the time of year we all want to settle down to our winter’s nap. All the lights are...
The bright planet in the western sky, Venus, will dominate the skies through the remainder of the winter. This weekend is an ideal time to enjoy our...
HOLLY NADLER 508-687-9239 (hollynadler@gmail.com)
MARGARET KNIGHT 508-627-8894 (margaret02539@yahoo.com) Winter always seems a better season when I can get outside and enjoy some winter sports...
Katherine Arrives Dianne and Gerret C. Conover of Edgartown announce the birth of their second daughter, Katherine Alexa Conover, born Dec. 5 at...
