Edgartown Convenes on Tuesday By JAMES KINSELLA Proposals including emergency repairs to the Edgartown public library, the construction of a...
Closing a chapter in the landmark sovereignty case, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) this week agreed to submit town permit applications...
Study Assesses Costs in Up-Island Schools Long-Awaited Analysis of Finances for Regional District Concludes Cost Allocation Formula Is Fair IAN...
Tisbury Voters Endorse Formula for Allocating Ferry Fee Revenue By MAX HART Tisbury voters breezed through special town meeting Tuesday night,...
Budget of $17.6 Million Tops Annual Town Meeting Warrant By MAX HART After making short work of the nonappropriating side of town affairs this...
This year's race for the Oak Bluffs board of selectmen matches two veteran leaders against two challengers relatively new to the political arena....
Attorneys Trade Charges in Graham Property Case; Closing Legal Briefs Filed By IAN FEIN In closing briefs filed at the Massachusetts Appellate...
Beacon Hill Politics Endanger Outcome in Tax Case Dispute By IAN FEIN In a rush of political maneuvering that played out on Beacon Hill this...
West Tisbury Reins in Costs for Next Year By IAN FEIN After reviewing the previous town budget last spring, the West Tisbury finance committee...
Tisbury Faces $17.6 Million Budget By MAX HART No overrides. No surprises. No worries? That seems to be the general consensus regarding...
Oak Bluffs voters next month will take up a balanced budget of just under $21.8 million for the fiscal year starting July 1.
Fourth in a series of profiles leading up to the West Tisbury election. West Tisbury resident Jonathan Revere says he is a direct descendent of a...
