Timothy, Charles and Duane, or TCD as the group is best known to its contemporary musical audience, will give its second annual Christmas show in...
Multi-colored confetti burst through the cold fall air whenever the Vineyard gained or Nantucket slipped. Orange plastic horns delivered toots of...
An inspired Vineyard football team, dedicated to beating Nantucket in what was the final game for 12 seniors, did just that Saturday afternoon -...
Last Monday, the changing of the months occurred. Along with the month’s changing name, the Chop’s people changed names also. The Herdeg family house...
Dr. and Mrs. John O’Connor are newcomers at the inn this week. Also staying at the inn are Mr. and Mrs. Cole Blasier, Mr. and Mrs. John Reese, Mrs....
With the repairs on the Cedars nearing completion, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rank have arrived at the Inn and will be staying until July 31.
A home has been found for what may well be the Island’s oldest house. Within a matter of months the old Vincent house which now stands on the...
When Edgartown residents voted on secession 51 years ago, they were 100 to one against it. They even voted $1,000 to stop it.
Monday, the secessionist movement gets its first real test of popular support on the Islands. Or will it be the popular support of redistricting that...
Anything can happen at a T.C.D. concert - and it usually does. The three musicians, Timothy Maxwell, Charles Esposito and Duane Gieseman, have...
By one vote short of a two-thirds majority, Gay Head voters last night ordered their selectmen to move forward toward turning the town Common Lands...
The Nantucket Sound Islands Trust bill died in Congress Thursday after more than four years of divisive and often bitter debate over proposed federal...
