Thirty-eight young men registered in Dukes County on Tuesday, in compliance with the selective service act, which required all men to register on...
Apropos the observation station at Peaked Hill, where a drive to the summit is now under construction, and likewise the report of a similar station...
Work began on Tuesday on the road from the Middle Road to the top of Peaked Hill, the contract having been awarded to R. W. Balam, Boston con­tractor...
The Vineyard had a faint fore­shadowing of the tumult of war this week, when windows were — rattled and houses were shaken by the firing of big guns...
Plans for the protection of property and persons on Martha’s Vineyard in the event of a war emergency have been pushed forward this week by the...
The section of Peaked Hill which the government proposes to take for the purpose of establishing a signal station represents only a small part of the...
Garrett Hagen, of the United States Department of Justice, has completed a search at the registry of deeds in Edgartown looking toward the acqui­...
Dukes County boasts a total of 3,799 “housing units,” for its 5,669 inhabitants, according to revised figures issued by the U.S. Bureau of the Census...
The six Martha’s Vineyard observa­tion posts will participate with the 700 similar posts scattered throughout New England in the communications test...
Although nothing official has been announced, it is learned on good authority that U.S. Army engineers have been making a survey of certain portions...
The eligible, man-power of Dukes County registered for the selective draft on Wednesday, the total number of registrants reaching 539.
More memories of Dr. Daniel Fisher, whose place in Vineyard life was interestingly told in an article by Martin B. Faris, present owner of the...
