The death of Calvin Coolidge was the occasion for much sorrow and sympathy on the Vineyard. The former president had visited the Island many times...
The first presidential election reported in the columns of the Vineyard Gazette was that of 1848, two years after the founding of the Gazette by...
With the recent sales of Eastville real estate and the resulting plans for building in that neighborhood, this once important Island locality seems...
A feature of the eclipse which greatly impressed watchers here who were fortunate enough to observe it, was the crescents of the sun on the ground...
“Millions viewed the eclipse.” So said the mainland newspapers, and the Vineyard added its thousands to the common mass.
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States, sailed into the waters of Dukes County late...
Steamer Nantucket was still fast in the sand of Sturgeon Flats this morning, with the prospect that more powerful towing equipment or the aid of a...
Dr. Charles E. Banks, historian of Martha’s Vineyard, died yesterday at Hartford. His death comes as a blow to the Vineyard in the affairs of which...
Editor, Vineyard Gazette: Permit me to express my interest in your account of early golfing on Martha’s Vineyard, as described in your issue of...
Golf is such an indispensable part of Island recreation that it seems impossible to imagine the Vineyard without it. However, in the nineties the...
Summer visitors play a large part in Vineyard activity and many who have spent summer after summer on the Island feel as deep an affection and...
When was the first bath tub brought to Martha’s Vineyard? Nantucket had a bath tub, weighing more than 800 pounds, in 1881. A Nantucketer reports...
