Thrice blessed, the motor vessel Uncatena slid down the ways at Blout's shipyard in Warren, R.I., with the high tide on Sunday evening. After her...
The School of Creative Arts in Vineyard Haven, is announcing its discontinuation on Martha’s Vineyard after eight years on its present site. The...
A hundred years ago the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meet­ing Association, having decided that the time had come to assure a settled state, acquired by...
Letters have gone out to a number of Vineyarders seeking support for a new organization devoted to preserving the natural splendors of the Island....
A wide spectrum of opinion on the knotty topic, Which Way in Vietnam?, was brought to light at a forum on Monday evening at the Tisbury town hall.
The Ocean View Hotel, one of the landmarks of Oak Bluffs, was completely destroyed by fire in the early hours of this morning, as firemen from three...
The work of demolishing the Tivoli building on the Oak Bluffs waterfront began on Saturday, and barring adverse weather conditions, the job should be...
The Regional High School football season, which this year has not been the happiest of times, ended on a cheerful note Saturday, when the Vineyarders...
The extreme clipper schooner, Shenandoah, Capt. Robert S. Douglas, master, arrived at her home port, Vineyard Haven, during the weekend, and is due...
“Mainly we’re taking food and morale,” Mrs. Stanley Murphy of Chilmark remarked on Tuesday, on the eve of the departure of five Vineyard women - Mrs...
There was a feeling of excitement and expectation in the air as one arrived at the shipyard of Harvey F. Gamage in South Bristol, Me., Saturday...
As the result of interest shown at a meeting Monday night, the Island now has a chapter of its own of the National Association for the Advancement of...
