Mr. E. C. Cornell, who spent the night of Friday last, with a companion at the Caleb’s Pond herring fishery, relates the following:
Mrs. Priscilla Freeman, formerly of Deep Bottom but now of Cottage City, one of the few remaining having Indian blood coursing in her veins, if her...
The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of KENISTON & JERNEGAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding...
The inclement, sultry weather of Sunday and Monday terminated Monday night in one of the severest gales ever known in this vicinity at this season of...
The new Methodist Tabernacle was formally dedicated Wednesday forenoon, in the presence of a goodly number of the clergy and an immense congregation...
The new skating rink was formally opened Saturday evening last, under the most favorable auspices.
Rev, Joseph Thaxter, in some notes, speaks of a great gale and rain storm Aug. 12, 1778, which caused terrible destruction of trees and injured the...
A storm, the like of which in this vicinity the oldest inhabitant fails to remember, visited the Island last Saturday afternoon, and raged with...
The annual Cottage City whaleboat race announced for Friday, but which was postponed on account of the high wind and the non-arrival of the New...
The dedicatory services at the new Baptist Temple on Vineyard Highlands Sunday morning, were very successful.
The first public religious services were held in the new Baptist Temple at the Highlands, Sunday morning last, and Rev. G. L. Lewis, of Vineyard...
Taking into consideration the benefit that would thereby be conferred upon the patrons of the VINEYARD GAZETTE, we have disposed of the property to...
