Our rural village of West Tisbury has added another improvement and pleasing feature to its attractions in the fixture of a handsome clock in the...
It seems likely to be a lively week at Oakland Hall. Last Sabbath a delegation from the New Bedford corps of the Salvation Army held three services....
A large number of our most honored citizens assembled at the new mission building at Cottage City last Sabbath afternoon to join in the exercises of...
A railroad deal which bids to play an important part in the high life of Cottage City has just been consummated. The Cottage City street railway has...
Hon. Samuel Osborn, Jr., of Edgartown, died at his residence on Summer street last Friday evening at about eight o'clock, after an illness of several...
On Monday ground was broken for the new Mission Chapel in the southwest part of the town. The lot, 80 by 81 is located on Masonic avenue between...
Whaling schooner Hattie E. Smith, Capt. John E. Johnson, Jr., arrived at Edgartown late Saturday evening, with a catch of 450 barrels sperm oil to...
The former Vineyard House, which is to be reopened this summer as “The Sea View,” is beginning to present a fine appearance in its new coats of white...
Three days of perfect October sunshine marked the observance of the fiftieth birthday of the noble church building which for half a century has been...
Among the old landmarks of Vineyard Haven, the most interesting one is the old mill; first built “up island,” then moved to Edgartown, and finally to...
Makoniky Inn, is the name of the new hotel to be erected on that portion of the Island locally known as Makoniky heights. The architects of this...
A special dispatch to the Standard says: The plans and specifications for the alterations and improvements in the United States Marine Hospital at...
