In the report of the harbor and land commissioners to the legislature details are given of the construction of a harbor at Lake Anthony. The...
The southerly gale of this morning developed between seven and eight o’clock at almost the proportions of a hurricane.   Fortunately for the harbor...
The Barnacle Club, of Vineyard Haven, on Saturday evening formed themselves into a permanent organization. The following officers were elected for...
The Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners has sent to the legislature its report -for 1902. Regarding improvements completed or contemplated on the...
The Mulliken automobile manslaughter case, which was tried before Judge Eldridge, of the district court of Dukes county, last summer, and which...
The new steamer, which has been building at Wilmington, Del., for the N. B., M. V. & N. Steamboat Co., was launched yesterday afternoon and named...
Mr. Elmes, the proprietor of the links, announces that on Aug. 20, 21, and 22, he is arranging for a ladies’ and gentlemen’s golf tournament, open to...
A new allotment has just been made by the Mass. Highway Commission for State highway work in this town, and it is estimated and hoped that the...
The following named Vineyarders are officers of the whaling fleet for the season of 1901 sailing out of San Francisco: Steamer Narwhal - Alonzo M....
Edgartown is in the swim with other resorts. The horseless carriage is here. The first to appear is the locomobile of Mr. Elmer J. Bliss, of the...
The forest fire which races across the large section of the island known as “The Plains” lasted two days and burned through to West Tisbury. More...
On Wednesday the former whaling schooner Hattie Smith was granted new documents at the Custom House here and her port of hail changed to New York.
