The movie production of Jaws continues to roam the Island in much the same manner as a touring medicine show, playing in each of the Island’s towns.
Pennant-bedecked and fresh paint, the Steamship Authority’s newest ($3.8 million) and biggest ferryboat (230 feet, 1,000 passengers, 494 net tons of...
The first day on the set we were extras. On the second day we were promoted to atmosphere people. The money is the same and the duties hardly ever...
The organized madness which has been afloat and ashore continued throughout the week as the plot unfolded in Jaws.
The filming of the movie Jaws began that morning on South Beach, and suddenly the parking lot at the end of Katama Road looked like lower Fifth...
The columns on the Dr. Daniel Fisher house in Edgartown could not be called fakes, because they certainly have done their job of holding up the...
At Katama, shooting started yesterday on Jaws. Around the Universal Studios offices the day before, one wouldn’t have believed it was going to happen.
For a nerve-tattering 24 hours this week, Universal Studios’ production on Martha’s Vineyard of the smash-to-be film Jaws was a suspense story that...
Since news broke that a film crew from Universal Studios would be making a movie on the Vineyard during the next two months, a subtle primping has...
Complete with a mechanical shark, underwater footage already shot in Australia and many dollars for the Island’s spring and summer economy, a film...
For the first time in more than a quarter of a century a full-fledged inn is open year-round in Edgartown center, serving meals as well as offering...
The firm, flat fields of Katama, the so-called Great Plain - what use could the energetic men of the 1920’s make of the stretching monotony to fully...
