A good season.   All good fortune attend the departing guests.   Come again, and Edgartown with enhanced charms will give you cordial welcome.   The...
A golf club has been formed in town and named the Nashouohkamuk Golf Club, Nashouohkamuk being the old Indian name for Chilmark. The club consists of...
A handsome sign, “Kelley House,” in black and gold, was put in position on the front of that hotel a few days ago, the work of Painter Chas. A. Joy....
The state board of harbor commissioners annual report, just issued, has the following regarding contemplated work at Lake Anthony opening:  
Saturday night and most of Sunday the fiercest storm in many years prevailed over the northern and eastern part of the country. The damage by the...
The much talked of golf links near Tashmoo, Vineyard Haven, has become a reality. The course was laid out by Mr. Alex. H. Findlay, the celebrated New...
The board of Harbor and Land Commissioners seems to have come to a satisfactory understanding on the question of the boundary line between Gay Head...
On Wednesday, the 19th about 1 o'clock p.m., there appeared over the waters of the sound, a wonderful phenomenon, such as only occurs but once in a...
In its issue of Saturday evening last the New Bedford Standard published the following as a special dispatch from Boston:  
Golf, which has become a popular American pastime, has this week made a start on the Vineyard, and Mr. B. S. Elmes has organized the Martha’s...
Landlord Kelley is putting the Sea View House in prime order for the summer’s business, and the house has been completely renovated from lower to...
The Harbor View will open June 20, under its former manager, F. A. Douglas, of Winthrop. An addition is being built to the northeast side, which will...
