The Bark Franklin, which arrived at Holmes Hole on the 12th inst, from Jacksonville, Florida, had a slave on board, who secreted himself in the hold...
The public mind has been greatly occupied recently with several cases of reclamation of fugitive slaves. We give, in another column, some account of...
We learn from Samuel Flanders, Esq., that a light house is to be erected at Gay Head the coming fall. It is to be located about five or six rods back...
THE NEW COUNTY ROAD, between Edgartown and Holmes Hole, is in a good state of forwardness; that portion lying within the Tisbury boundary, we believe...
The following business was transacted at the adjourned [Edgartown] town meeting, on Wednesday last.
The tenth article of the warrant, relative to the...
We hardly need remind our readers of the gale which occurred on Saturday night last; it was palpable enough to fix itself in memory for some tine to...