Several shoals of fin-back and hump-back whales were seen a day or two since from five to fifteen miles south-east of Noman’s Land, Vineyard Sound....
Allow us to call the attention of your readers to a proposition, emanating from many of our farmers, to join in an effort to form a County...
On Wednesday the Court of County Commissioners for Dukes, met at the Selectmen’s Room in the Town Hall. Hon. Thomas H. Lambert, having taken the...
Frederick Douglas, the colored orator, addressed a very respectable, though not large audience, at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening last, on the...
It is very much to be deplored that the subject of slavery in our country has become such a paramount interest in politics, as nearly to drive away...
The Marcy House, recently opened in this village, is in excellent order for the accommodation of travelers. Every thing about it is neat and...
The decision of a majority of the Judges of the Supreme Court adverse to the right of citizenship of this individual, has called forth many severe...
The undersigned would respectively give notice that he has opened the large and commodious house, known as the Marcy House, at Edgartown.
Mrs. Nancy Michael, known to most our readers by the familiar cognomen of “Black Nance” is no more. She departed this life on Saturday last, at a...
Notice to Mariners. - The new light at Gay Head will be exhibited at sunset on December 1st, 1856, and will be kept burning during every night...
The submarine cable which is henceforth to connect us with the world, was safely and expeditiously put down on Wednesday forenoon last, between the...
In the Senate, on the 20th inst., the bill authorizing Shaw Norris to build a wharf, was passed to be engrossed. In the House, a remonstrance was...
