Learn how people around the world are using prayer for healing. National speaker John Adams brings his experience to the Island Thursday, Sept. 27...

The playwright steals — lines, plots, anything that works. The playwright uses historical events, fashioning his own take on the characters within...

Masters of the Celtic harp Gráinne Hambly and William Jackson will play a concert — and offer a music therapy workshop centered on the small harp...

The popular IMP after-school classes are back, on stage at the Oak Bluffs and Edgartown schools. On Tuesdays, grades six through eight meet at...

COMSOG, the Community Solar Greenhouse of Martha’s Vineyard, is continuing a 21-year tradition of celebrating the arrival of the fall season by...

Diversity Discussion Island Diversity Council hosts a showing of Race: The Power of an Illusion, Part 3, followed by a discussion, at 6:30 p.m. at...
