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There is nothing quite like October on the Vineyard. Sunny with low humidity during the day and extra blanket temperatures at night.

Monday and Tuesday's cool, rainy days gave me a rare opportunity to tend to some indoor tasks and for some goofing off.

Finally, the nights are cool enough for that extra blanket. It seems strange that tropical storms are still coming off the coast of Africa.

Wow, what a series of beautiful days! I know we have had quite a bit of rain but, oddly, Whiting’s Pond is surprisingly low.

I, for one, am very fond of the change of seasons. The air is becoming less humid, the light is wonderful, and I love it getting dark a little sooner...

Last week, I wrote, as is my custom, on Tuesday. It was after Hurricane Ida had wrecked havoc on Louisiana. It had not yet moved through the country...
