Six of Martha’s Vineyard’s most loved cultural organizations are pooling their resources and expertise to offer a week of fun, creative learning experiences for children in the Island’s loveliest natural settings. Inspired educators from The FARM Institute, Featherstone Center for the Arts, Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Polly Hill Arboretum and The Yard will introduce children to a feast of activities in a different location every day.
Camp will take place April 21 to 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, and is open to all Island children in grades 1 to 5. Tuition is $250 for the week or $200 with early bird registration by March 21. Final registration deadline is April 4.
Scholarships are available. There will be a second session June 23 to 27 (early bird registration for session two is May 23, final deadline June 6). For more information, call Featherstone at 508-693-1850. The Vacation Adventure Program is supported in part by a grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council.
Children will begin each day at a different site for activities that include quests and stamp making, tree lore, puppetry and storytelling, sheep farming and fiber arts, pottery, photography, drawing, printmaking, weaving, singing, acting, movement and improv. They will discover the Island’s history and natural resources, playing as they learn.
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