Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

On behalf of the Haitian people, I’d like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Vineyard Gazette, especially to Julia Wells and her staff, namely Peter Brannen, Cooper Davis and Mark Lovewell, whom I had a chance to meet.

Also I’d like to extend a sincere thanks to all the Island people for their concerns. I have received numerous phone calls from many friends, such as Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rivers in Chilmark, from Chantale Hanavan, from Isabelle, from Kenny and Nicole Bilzerian, owners of the Great Put On, and from Bob and Barbara Fontaine.

I would also like to thank Mark Hess of the Edgartown Golf Club, who donated $200, and Sarah Isenberg, who donated $50, to send to Haiti to those who are in need.

I went to Stop & Shop in Edgartown to wire some money by Western Union. There I met a nice woman by the name of Jamie working at the courtesy desk who informed me that, due to the hardship that is taking place, there is no fee on any transfers to Haiti. I was overwhelmed upon hearing that.

I cannot thank you enough for your concern and loving kindness. The Island’s response has really demonstrated true community spirit.

Francois Delphin

Vineyard Haven


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

In last week’s Gazette editorial there was another call for a full accounting of the Island Housing Trust’s financial affairs. The trust has spent close to $6 million dollars in the local economy over the past five years creating housing affordable for working Island families and individuals, and can account for every dollar it receives (from public and private grants, loan proceeds and house sales) and spends on each of its projects and programs on a monthly basis. A copy of the trust’s nonprofit tax forms (form PC) submitted to the Commonwealth are provided annually to each of the five towns where the trust owns land.

As explained before, the trust contracts with Kelly-Eitel & Associates, a certified public accountant, to annually conduct a full audit of its finances. A copy of the trust’s 2008 audit can be downloaded from its Web site. If you would like the trust’s treasurer, Harvey Beth, and myself to meet with you to explain the 2008 audit, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 508-693-1117.

Philippe Jordi,

Executive Director

Vineyard Haven


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

For the past two years I have been a volunteer board member of the Island Housing Trust. I have no financial interest in being on the board and my time is given freely on a volunteer basis. I am confused and dismayed at the repeated attacks on the trust, the Island Affordable Housing Fund, and the personal attacks on John Abrams by the Gazette. I have to at this point suspect some type of personal and malicious vendetta on the part of the Gazette editor. The misinformation being perpetuated with complete disregard for the truth is shocking and childish. I am disappointed.

Monica Miller

Oak Bluffs


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Have you resolved to be healthier in 2010? Do you wish to eat more local organic fresh food, or to get more exercise? Perhaps you resolved to trim your budget or your bulges. Maybe you want to spend more quality time outdoors with your family or friends, or give yourself a little personal time to think things through.

One really fun way to meet all these goals is by community gardening. There are community gardens in every town and on tribal land in Aquinnah. Now, while the ground is frozen, is the time to plan and prepare. Anyone who needs advice is welcome to call me at Native Earth Teaching Farm. There are also plenty of gardening forums, books and classes available. Community gardening is great for beginners because you learn from those around you — and wait till you taste your own home-grown produce.

Wishing us all an abundant 2010.

Rebecca Gilbert



Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

An addendum to Care and Kindness in the Gazette letters to the editor section of Jan. 29. Never did I intend to leave out the nurses at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Without exception they are the best.

Eulalie M. Regan

Oak Bluffs

The Vineyard Gazette welcomes letters to the editor on any subject concerning Martha’s Vineyard. The newspaper strives to publish all letters as space allows, although the editor reserves the right to reject letters that in her judgment are inappropriate. Letters must be signed, and should include a place of residence and contact telephone number. The Gazette does not publish anonymous letters.