The house next door to me is a rental. I don’t usually pay attention to what goes on because people are in and out, but the other morning I was going out and I noticed the windows were wide open. I know a lot of people do not like air conditioners, me among them as I think it makes it harder to go outside when it is really hot. Anyway, it was one of those mornings where it was muggy and just getting over the fog, and I wondered where these people were from, and loved the fresh air but I could only think how disappointed they would be when they went to bed and their linens were going to be damp.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Joshua Smith, who celebrated his day July, 16; Talia Young, July 19; Judah Levy, July 20; and to Clara Cabral and Samantha Morrell who celebrate their day today July 21.

Special birthday wishes go out to Ellen Bernard Blodgett who celebrated her day July 16, with her friend Mary Surprenant in Middletown Rhode Island looking for ghost. Yes, they are into the paranormal and every year they go and meet up with other friends they have met in the past few years. They have a great time and enjoy all the things that go along with the hunting or should I say haunting.

Extra special birthday wishes go out to Megan Bettencourt who celebrated her 21st birthday one July 14. It seems like yesterday this young lady was born. She has grown into a beautiful talented young lady. If you have not seen it she does beautiful wampum. She has created many beautiful pieces. Her business name is Deep Purple Designs so keep an eye out for her work.

The talk of the town is how beautiful the hydrangeas are this year. I can’t remember when they were so full. There are pictures all over social media. It makes up for the past two years when they did not produce many flowers at all.

I have been home for the past week under the weather and I feel the walls closing in on me as I get better. But my only source of sanity is Facebook and following some friends adventures, pictures of the family and their vacations. My favorite has been watching Brenda and Eric Perry, and Cathy and Kenny Bettencourt and their travels through Maine. They saw some beautiful things, sunsets, lake settings, etc.

I have even enjoyed Cookie Perry posting pictures of things she has found on line in Maine asking Brenda to pick her the object up or see if they still have it. But my favorite was when Cathy was trying her hand at paddle boarding. Now I have known Cathy for many years and as I watched her on the paddleboard trying to take off I could hear her laugh. She has a contagious one and I was laughing along with her when I realized my volume was off. I giggled and could still hear the laugh. It looked like a great trip and one I might like to try sometime. Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

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