Today’s torrential rain caused some flooding in typical areas. I witnessed one of the worst, in Edgartown’s Stop & Shop parking lot. The water was over a foot deep, and many cars turned around when faced with driving and/or walking through it. This problem is ongoing and worse in the winter months when snow and slush make it difficult, if not impossible, for the elderly and handicapped to negotiate the parking lot — with or without shopping carts. Try it with a cane or walker.
Shame on you, Stop & Shop, for not at least trying to fix the problem through the years. I’ve personally lived in Edgartown for over seven years. The Vineyard Haven Stop & Shop is not much better. The problem is never solved, nor does Stop & Shop do anything to help the people struggling in their parking lot.
Perhaps an escort employee could be a temporary solution? I have helped many elders across the lake that forms every time there is bad weather. Fix the problem or lose business.
The VTA stop in Edgartown is also a problem.
H. Uusitalo
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