All the Women in My Family Sing: Women Write the World is an anthology featuring 69 female authors. On Wednesday, August 22, the voices of four of those authors will join together, not in song, but rather as part of a panel discussion on their essays and experiences as women of color at the rise of the 21st century.

The anthology includes the essays of women aged anywhere from 16 to 77, all with different cultural backgrounds, religions and personal identities.

“I think this conversation will give us a good perspective on what’s really going on today with these women,” said Vineyard Haven Library adult programmer Betty Burton. Ms. Burton co-organized the event with documentarian and former Obama administration senior executive, Lisa A. Jones, who will serve as a panelist.

“Women have always worked very hard in every job they do to get where they are,” Ms. Burton said. “Now they’re working differently and doing things they haven’t had the opportunity to do before. That’s what these panelists have done. They’re great examples.”

Ms. Jones will be joined by author Lalita Tademy, freelance writer Kristin Leavy-Miller, and social justice activist Deborah Santana.

The panel will be moderated by WGBH’s Callie Crossley.

“I hope this discussion gives people the strength to look into their own stories,” Ms. Jones said. “At least in my story I aim to talk about things that others can relate to. People have received it well. It gives strength to others.”

Ms. Jones will read an excerpt from her essay, Facing Fear, Finding Light, on Wednesday. The story details her son’s battle with childhood leukemia and subsequent bone marrow transplant at the age of five. Now 12-years-old and fully recovered, he will accompany his mother onstage, playing guitar at the beginning of the event.

The discussion and book signing will take place on Wednesday, August 22 from 7 8:30 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre, 54 Spring Street, Vineyard Haven. For more information visit