Stormy weather Friday caused downed tree limbs, scattered power outages and ferry cancellations, and kept Island police departments busy.
The National Weather Service reported winds as high as 63 miles per hour in Vineyard Haven Friday afternoon.
Police departments around the Island responded to a series of false alarms set off by the high winds between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
“It was nothing that we didn’t anticipate,” said Edgartown police chief Bruce McNamee Monday. “Quite a bit of house alarms and sporadic power outages, but nothing of consequence.”
West Tisbury police chief Matt Mincone reported downed tree limbs near the center of town, but said there were no road closures or power outages.
Aquinnah police chief Randhi Belain said a small shed in the town parking lot was blown over near the end of the storm. He said the town highway department put the shed upright during the calm Saturday morning that followed.
Chilmark police chief Jonathan Klaren said ferry cancellations delayed longstanding plans for upgrading a transformer on the Menemsha Crossroad. Crews and equipment couldn’t make it to the Island. He said the work will be rescheduled.
By Saturday morning the storm had passed.
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