Lately, it seems I report big changes in every column. But change we must. By now you probably know the Agricultural Fair has been canceled for this year. Patriot’s Day went by quietly without a marathon. The marathon has been rescheduled for Sept. 14. I am not going to give a thought to Illumination Night and the annual fireworks. As this is national Poetry Month I am suggesting a change for April 26. Traditionally, that is poem in your pocket day. You carry a poem and read it to those you meet out in public. We must turn it into poem on the phone day or poem on the internet day. Staying in touch with poetry is a beautiful way to say I love you.
And who did not love poet, philosopher, raconteur, wordsmith Lee H. McCormack? Lee was our first designated Island Poet Laureate for a two-year term in 2008. He died on Tuesday, April 14. He was intelligent, witty, concerned about the state of the world and comforting. The Island shines less brightly without him. Carry a poem for him on April 26. Perhaps on everyday.
The Noepe writers retreat proudly announces Jennifer Turner Smith has a new book out. And Bunch of Grapes has been reinvigorated from a very close call with our economic emergency. It is good to know you may order books from them and they shall meet you curbside, deliver or mail your items. Now more than ever is a time for reading, writing and reflection.
MV Grower donated 1,000 tomato plants to any Islanders who wanted a plant. It was a very well-organized giveaway, with social distancing and plants being delivered to car windows by properly covered volunteers with very long grabber sticks at Cronig’s parking lot last Sunday. This is a true sign of spring. In perilous times we all are turning to the old Victory Garden concept. Thank you, MV Grower, for making it a reality for so many.
The birthday bandwagon pulled along Al Stewart last week on April 15; Carole Vandal and Jenny Painter shared April 16; April 17 was a celebration for Matt Granado and Mark Santon; and on April 25 Lorraine Clark and Sarah Codding take the cake. Many happy returns.
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