The Martha’s Vineyard Commission voted unanimously late last week to allow a plan by Big Sky Tents to expand an existing storage building and consolidate its operations.

Owned by Jim Eddy, Big Sky plans to move from a storage space at 15 East Line Road to a building it currently owns at 26 East Line Road.

The plan is to expand the building from 7,500 square feet to 16,000 square feet.

The project was reviewed by the MVC as a development of regional impact (DRI); a public hearing was held last month.

In an expedited review process, commissioners approved the project and a written decision last Thursday night. Commissioners reviewed conventional conditions for approval with a lighter hand than usual, noting that the project would go through a strenuous review by the airport commission.

“Many of the issues that we would normally address are subject to review by the airport commission,” commissioner Doug Sederholm said.

The only point of discussion during deliberations pertained to workforce housing. Big Sky provides housing for up to 16 of its roughly 30 employees, and the MVC will require that it continue doing so. There was no disagreement over the condition, but Mr. Sederholm clarified its intention.

“The intent is to simply memorialize what the applicant is currently doing and to not make him do any more than he is currently doing,” he said.

In other business Thursday, the commission decided not to require a public hearing on a plan to add a one-story addition to and updating walkways as well as lighting at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs. The plan is one part of a larger project begun in 2002 by the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association to upgrade the multipurpose space.

“The review that this has to go through at the Camp Meeting Association is very rigorous, and I don’t see at all what the Martha’s Vineyard Commission can add to this project,” commissioner Fred Hancock said.