First off we’d like to report that we have two, very friendly, stray cats at the shelter. One is a big, gray male with a white chest and a face like a panther. He’s a gentle and lovely cat who was found in the Tower Ridge area of Oak Bluffs. Does he belong to you? The other cat is an orange, medium hair who was found behind the Gray Barn, staying with renters and didn’t want to leave. This is also a sweet and friendly cat. If you think either of these felines belong to you, please contact the shelter immediately.

We have three adoptions to report this week. Dusty the cat has found her family, and guinea pig brothers Bert and Ernie have moved on to their new forever home. But the big news is about Beau. Beau is a six-year-old, tri-headed white collie who was adopted by yours truly. And it was a perfect adoption since he never had to set foot in the shelter. We’re often able to match up dogs with their prospective owner this way. Once I heard his story of his owner passing and his being re-homed with a young family that turned out to be wrong environment for him, I knew he was meant to come live with me. And the transition has been seamless; he fits in my pack like a glove. He’s turned out to be a 10+! So, if you’re afraid to adopt an older dog, don’t be. It could be the perfect match, like it is for Beau. All it took was some pizza crusts and we were bonded.

There are a few cats in need of homes. Gracie an 11-yea-old tabby-and-white girl. She is a sweet girl who is shy due to being frightened being at the shelter and needs a stable home. And there’s also the five-year-old tuxedo girl Teaser. And the black rabbits, Laverne and Shirley, are also waiting for their new family to find them.

We would like to remind everyone that tick and flea season is still here so please be diligent about checking your pets and yourself as well as keeping up with flea and tick treatments. Additionally, please be aware of temperatures before taking your dog out on errands with you. A hot car can become a deadly place for a dog very quickly. And remember to check pavement temperatures before taking your best friend for a walk. Hot pavement can burn delicate pads. If it’s too hot on your bare foot, it’s too hot for your pup.

The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard is here for our community. We’re always available and our door is always open should your adoption not be a perfect fit. Also, if anyone is in need of cat food, dog food, or a crate, we have plenty and are happy to share. The Island Food Pantry also has pet food for those in need. Just give us a call at 508-627-8662. during regular shelter hours.

Hours are: Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.