Get out your checkbooks and credit cards, get in your favorite chair with your favorite beverage and join me in my annual holiday wish list.
If you can donate this year, please keep in mind the Red Stocking Fund, Island Food Pantry, Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard and Connect to End the Violence.
If you cannot donate money, give time to your local school, library, synagogue, church or scout troop. The Boys and Girls Club is another great donation for time or money. This year is tough for everyone. Smiles and kindness count as donations. Bless you all.
She has so many awards and she deserves them all. Laurel Redington Whitaker won a Massachussetts Broadcaster Award for a segment she produced in 2021. It originally aired on MVYRADIO’s Sunday morning public affairs show The Vineyard Current. The program has been archived on the radio station’s website. Be sure to check it out.
Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish are entertaining live and for free at The Ritz Cafe in Oak Bluffs on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Great for those who find the night before Thanksgiving at home with family too cloying.
So many holiday gift shops are open! Heather Gardens is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Dec. 18 but closed Thanksgiving Day. Everything is made locally by our amazing artists.
Louisa Gould has chimed in with one of her shows that is my favorite. Her gallery on Main street in Vineyard Haven has a small works show. Check hours at the shop by calling 508-693-7373. I love this. Please stop by.
The birthday bandwagon pulled along Sheetal Grande’s talented son Eric on Nov. 18. My favorite girl, Janelle Gaurino, celebrated on Nov. 19. And Willy Mason and Doug Grant took the cake on Nov. 21. Many happy returns.
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