From the Dec. 1, 1921 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital will soon be something besides a dream. The committee on adaptation of the property has made plans which will be carried out at once. The present dwelling house will be moved back to a position where its front will be on a line with the front of the barn and to a location fifty or sixty feet northward. Additions can be made in any direction when desired. Plans and specifications are completed and as soon as the bids are in, the work will begin.
One of the most important real estate transfers of the year, is that of the Osborn block in Edgartown to Dr. Edward P. Worth. The building which is at the corner of Main and North Water street, and is regarded as one of the best business locations in town, was formerly owned by William P. Bodfish of Vineyard Haven.
Martha’s Vineyard suffered its share of the late unpleasantness in the weather line. From Saturday afternoon until Wednesday, the rain poured, the waves, now and then, swept clear over the beach road, the wind battled its way into even the warmest houses. Fishermen kept close to home, and pedestrians were the exception on usually well traveled roads. Casualties there were, for the long-doomed shacks belonging to Henry Holmes Pease and Sylvanus Norton, situated on the South Beach near the big opening, were swept out into the Atlantic Monday night. They carried with them some innocent victims, the hens whose more fortunate owners had escaped in time. Mr. Pease and Mr. Norton have been occupying these precariously placed homes for the last ten years.
Except for the wind which ran true to form for a northeaster, the weather was not unreasonably cold, never failing to the freezing point and clearing off beautifully bright on Wednesday without much further drop in temperature. And since the rest of New England was covered with ice, while the Vineyard was only soaked and counter-soaked with rain, it wasn’t such a bad storm after all, going by comparisons only.
A spectacular fire enlivened Oak Bluffs Thanksgiving night, when Webb’s garage was found to be in flames, and was slightly damaged. $200 worth of rubber tires was destroyed by the fire, which is believed to have originated from crossed wires in the big arc light recently installed in the garage. A kerosene stove was first suspected, but Harry Webb, the owner, was quite positive that he had turned it off before leaving the garage.
Judge Eldridge was sitting near the window when a man came past, and inquired the location of the nearest fire alarm box, adding that Webb’s garage was on fire. The building is directly back of Judge Eldridge’s house, and of Clarence Norton’s, Thomas McGrath’s and Clarence P. Hayden’s homes.
Mrs. Eldridge might be called the heroine of the fire, for she, finding that the fire alarm brought no response at first, rushed to the telephone and called several members of the fire department, and got in touch with Mr. Webb, who arrived at the scene of action in a hurry.
The new automobile chemical engine was stored in the garage, and while the department was trying to pull it out of the building, filled with smoke and the fumes of burning rubber, the Portuguese company arrived with its chemical engine, directed a stream on the fire and never was a blaze killed, dead, so suddenly.
It was fortunate that the heavy rain storm had soaked nearby buildings, for the flames nearly reached the fences and sheds close by. The great tank of gasoline was near a corner of the building and if it had gone, the gas explosion would have seemed like a little affair indeed.
The storm, which made Thanksgiving day very unpleasant for most travelers to their old homes, continued gaining in strength as the days passed. On Monday the waves dashed over the sea-wall and all along the shore front from East Chop to the Hart settlement at Hart Haven. The waves were unusually high and the sight was witnessed by many who braved the elements and went to see what the wild waves were doing along Sea View avenue. The rain fell in sheets all Sunday night and on Monday, the wind increasing to a gale. The water came over the sea-wall and reached the road and into the pond, making the road impassable at times for automobiles. Those venturing across had their cars drenched with salt water.
Another club has been organized in Oak Bluffs with the name of the Martha’s Vineyard Chess and Checker Club, organization as follows:
President, E. B. Hanes; 1st vice president, Everett Joy; 2nd vice president, I. Maynard Studley, Secretary and Treasurer, David J. McBride.
The secretary has made it known that he would be pleased to arrange for games for the club with island players.
The president, Mr. Hanes, has the reputation of being an expert player of chess and checkers. These are among the quiet but great games.
Compiled by Hilary Wallcox
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