We have certainly been enjoying some great weather. The sun has been shining and there has been a nice breeze blowing just enough to keep it cool enough.

Cars are lining the beaches and when we went by late on Monday the fishermen were enjoying the same beach in hopes of finding a fish or two.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Anthony Pereira who celebrated May 26; Amanda Da Costa, May 29; Arielle De Assis, Evelyn Lavigne, James LaBlond and Aiden Ryan who all celebrated May 31; Philipe Filho, June 1; Deion Estrella June 3; Lowen Shaw, June 4; and Luiza De Oliveira and Maria Dos Anjos, who celebrate their day today June 7.

Friends and family celebrated Steve Gentles 90th birthday over the weekend at a luncheon at Farm Neck. It has been a busy month with two grandchildren graduating from college, Max from University of Miami and Libby from Keene State University. Max is now on a trip to Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam before starting his job with Guggenheim in New York City.

Libby will be waitressing at the Vineyard Golf Club for the summer. Steve kept the family busy with fishing and golf. Happy Birthday Steve and here’s to many more.

Happy Birthday to Joann Connolly who celebrated her 94th birthday one May 23. Joann is very active and still enjoys her gardening. Her gardens are not as big as when she lived in Katama, but she still has window boxes and planters on her deck, and she is a great cook. Happy Birthday Joann and here’s to many more.

The Edgartown Library is profoundly proud to announce that Claudia Taylor, the library’s programs coordinator, has been chosen as the new Martha’s Vineyard Poet Laureate for 2024-2026. A reception will be held at Featherstone Center for the Arts on Saturday, June 8 at 4 p.m. Please join us to celebrate Claudia and her remarkable achievement.

Congratulations to Ella Blodgett and the rest of her class as they graduated from the Charter School on Sunday. Ella will continue her education at MassArt in Boston where she will be learning the art of glass blowing. She is the daughter of Mark and Ellen (Bernard) Blodgett.

Congratulations to all the graduates of the MVRHS as they cross the stage for their diplomas this Sunday.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.