We have been enjoying some great summer weather. The sun is shining, the sky is that beautiful blue and just enough breeze to be comfortable. It has been great, but do I dare say that we might need some rain just to keep the ground damp.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Allie Branca and James Gould-Lamont, who celebrated June 8; Rebecca Brandino Da Silva, Hannah McCarthy June 9; Beaufort Prescott, June 10; Myles Comock, Anna Krisilla Miller, June 11; Ana Clara Miller, June 12; Ana Amaral-Espanoza, June 13; Christopher Greene and Zeke Thibodeau, who celebrate their day today June 14.

Congratulations to the class of 2024. It started out to be a rainy day, but as the commencement went on the rain stopped and the graduates were able to celebrate with their family and friends outside. There were over 150 graduates and the speeches from the students were very well written and many personal touches. Congratulations to all.

I have to do a special shout-out to my great niece Audrey (Payton) Polleys as she is a 2024 graduate and is headed to Bay Path College in the fall.

The pollen has been at its best this year. I think I am finding my car is blue again, after a season of it being yellow. But with that comes some great flowers and the bees are very happy. I was watching one at the nursery and it could hardly leave the bloom because he was so full. Hopefully, that will mean a great year for flowers and veggies.

It looks like it might be a good year for hydrangeas, mine are full of buds and looking around other peoples might be also. Now is the time to put the aluminum sulfate on your garden if you want bluer blooms.

Congratulations to the Edgartown eighth grade class of 2024 as they cross the stage and will be on their way to high school. Then there will be a new kindergarten class coming in the fall and we start the cycle all over again. It is one of my favorite things about living on my street.

On Thursday, June 20, from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Edgartown Library, Robert Culbert, Island birding expert and Bird News columnist for the Vineyard Gazette, will guide a birding excursion to celebrate the solstice at one of his favorite avian hot spots: Katama Farm. Participants will meet at the barn at Katama Farm. Please contact the library if you require directions.

Our sympathies go out to the family of Dick “Captain Kelly.” Captain Kelly served on the Fire Department for many years and was a big part of the fire museum. He will be missed by many.

We also extend our sympathy to the family of Ron Rappaport. He was a mainstay in our town and many other Island towns and was always there when you needed him. He is a great loss to all of us.

Have great week and keep the home candles burning.