I think we are all thankful that the heat and humidity finally let up. I love to open my windows. I did it one day and then it took me many days to dry out the furniture and rug. So, yes, I will run the air conditioner for a while longer.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Victor Da Costa who celebrated July 20; Dylan Long, July 21; Alyssa Bennett, July 22; and to Jhorda Guerra who celebrated his day July 23.

Congratulations to Bill and Joan Connolly are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on July 24. They are both 94 and Bill will celebrate his 95th birthday in November.

Like many businesses, the nursery hires summer help. We have had our share of good employees and some not so good. Also, there are those that are memorable and you think of them now and then and wonder how they are doing and where they are.

One of those young men is Charley Leitner who worked the summer of 2011. His parents Charley and Amy were customers and thought he would be a good fit and like to learn about plants. Charley did fit right in, and he tugged at my heartstrings as he was a hard worker and had that smile that you know he was always thinking.

Needless to say, we all missed him when he left for school, but he checked in once in a while to let us know how he was doing. So, after 14 summers away, Charley and his girlfriend Amy came to visit on Tuesday. It only took a minute to recognize that smile, as he walked up for his hug. He and Amy are both in the Air Force and are stationed in Kansas and came here for a visit. It was great to catch up with him and happy that he loves us as much as we loved him.

Teresa Yuan will have her paintings at the Old Sculpin Gallery from July 27 to August 2. There will be a reception on July 28, from 5 to 7 p.m. She will also have a display at the Edgartown Council on Aging August 5 to 31.

I have been holding off as I can almost see your faces when I say that it is only five months until Christmas. If you are a QVC watcher, (I am not but I have a friend that is), it has been Christmas in July. They have had many great deals but I just couldn’t get into it. But I know when December gets here I am going to be a little sad as I rush to find something different for a gift. I just had to remind you that we could start gathering a few gifts to lighten the load in December. The challenge is on.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.