We are still enjoying this beautiful weather. I am sure the September brides are happy especially those who planned outdoor weddings. Without spoiling the beautiful skies I wish for showers at night to make our gardens happy.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Maybe next week I will have the list. All bets are on to see.

More signs of fall: the library lawn concerts are over, the skies are turning that beautiful blue, the gold finches are loving the plumes on the grasses at the nursery, the honking of the geese just before dusk, the butter is hard in the butter dish in the morning, and the beaches are lined with fishermen watching the birds feeding on bait in the hopes that there are bigger fish under that bait, the night sky seems to be more crisp and the stars brighter, and the kids are practicing lacrosse in the field.

There will be a celebration of Life for Kirby Doyle Thornton on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 2 to 5 p.m. at 208 Katama Road Edgartown hosted by Kirby’s family: Jason and Teresa Sanphy.

Kirby fought many health battles but she was never down for long (I called her Mrs. Lazarus), always cooking and making great treats for everyone. If she drove into the nursery, she always went to the back of her car to retrieve her blueberry cake, cookies and especially her famous fudge. During Covid, she cooked and delivered her treats with a note of assurance that she took every step of precaution to others. I could go on and on, but if you knew Kirby you were her friend for life. Love and sunshine Kirby you will be missed.

Years ago, when the Kresels moved into the house next door, it was the middle of September, and they wanted to have their floors redone. However, they soon learned that you can not expect things done right away during Derby time. So, here we are again at the start of another Derby and chores are on hold until the middle of October. Good luck to all the anglers young and old during this special season.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.