My favorite saints day celebration is Oct. 4, St. Francis day. What a guy! St. Augustine’s informed me that they are not having a blessing of animals at the church but to call them and a priest will come to your house and bless the animals. Probably easier for me than getting my 6 skunks and 13 turkeys into the car.

This is our last First Friday till Dec. 6. There will be art shows up and down Beach avenue extension from 10 a.m. util 2 p.m. The party continues up at Owen Park from 4 or 5 p.m. until the music is over.

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society has won the Martha’s Vineyard Bank’s Community Impact Grant. The Society is a non-profit member supported film organization. Welcome new board member David Heilbroner. Fond farewell to Kate Davis who has championed this group for nine years. I must also add my admiration and respect for Richard Paradise.

Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday night. Shana Tovah. On October 7th at 7:30 pm the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center is having a gathering to commemorate one year since the attack on Israel. All are welcome to join for prayer, songs, and stories as we mourn and remember.

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum is thrilled to announce the Secret Life of Seaweed. The exhibit opens in the Grain Family Gallery on Oct. 5 and will be on view through January. I know Kathy Poehler will be there.

Two of my cousins have passed. Elizabeth Gardella Blair at age 95 in Florida. And a dear classmate of mine at Good Counsel Academy, Gail Vervaro, age 75, in White Plains, N.Y.. These two women were very dear.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along Marcia Carino on Sept. 25; Sept. 28 was a party for Patti Young, Sarah Hebb Gambino, Rosemary Terrase Lauria and Ednaldo Freire; Sept. 30 honored Tristan Israel; and on Oct. 3 William Francis Maciel takes the cake. Many happy returns.