Eversource has proposed two new projects that the company said will help meet growing energy demands on the Island and reduce carbon emissions.

The Martha’s Vineyard Reliability Project involves installing a 2.7 mile underground duct bank and a 6.1 mile submarine cable across Vineyard Sound. The lines will connect to existing utility poles in East Chop, near the company’s electrical distribution equipment.

The second project, titled the 91 Cable Replacement Project, will share the first initiative’s infrastructure and extend an additional submarine cable to West Chop.

“These critical reliability projects will help to meet growing energy demands on Martha’s Vineyard and enhance electric reliability for our customers, while also transitioning the Island off its use of diesel generators to support the commonwealth’s ambitious decarbonization goals,” said Lavelle Freeman Eversource’s vice president of distribution and system planning, in a press release.

Mr. Freeman said the projects are part of the company’s mission to electrify transportation and heating sectors.

Kate Warner, energy planner at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, praised the work.

“It will be great to have the two new cables. They will allow us to continue our work in transitioning the Island away from fossil fuels and provide the needed power for heat pumps and electric vehicles,” Ms. Warner said in the press release. “The fact that the diesel generators will no longer be needed to meet our peak demand in summer is an added bonus. Having them decommissioned will improve our air quality.”

The company said all necessary permits for the project are in place. Construction is underway in Oak Bluffs and is expected to continue until early 2025. Tisbury construction will begin this December.

The two cables are projected to be fully operational by March 2026.