Tisbury’s select board has approved a common victualer’s license for the dual eatery proposed for the former site of the Golden Bull steak house at Five Corners.
Restaurateur Anderson Martins was seeking to operate from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m., with Vineyard Caribbean Cuisine providing take-out breakfast and lunch on one side of the building, while MVTap serves burgers and bar food on the other.
Select board members voted unanimously to recommend 7 a.m. to midnight as the operating hours, which will be officially determined and set by the planning board when it issues a permit to Mr. Martins.
All alcohol service in Tisbury ends at 11 p.m., by law.
Mr. Martins had hoped the board also would approve his liquor license application at the March 11 meeting, but board members said they wanted more information about how he will handle outdoor dining and alcohol service.
Geoghan Coogan, Mr. Martins’s attorney, said time is a concern because it can take weeks for a locally-approved application to make its way through the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABCC).
“You cannot issue the license until it comes back from ABCC,” Mr. Coogan said.
The board agreed to hold a special meeting March 18 at 4:30 p.m. to act on the alcohol license application, keeping the public record open until then.
Also Tuesday, board chair John Cahill introduced the public to town administrator Joseph LaCivita, who started work March 3.
Police chief Christopher Habekost introduced his department’s new executive assistant, Julie Bossio.
Ms. Bossio, of Edgartown, is a former dispatcher for the Dukes County sheriff’s department who is fluent in Brazilian Portuguese and lived in Brazil for eight years, the police chief said.
In other business, artist Taylor Stone, of the town’s Vineyard Haven Harbor Cultural District, outlined plans for the monthly First Friday celebrations hosted in partnership with the Vineyard Haven Business Association.
This year’s First Friday events are set for June 6, July 4, August 1, Sept. 5 and Dec. 5, Ms. Stone said.
Referring to the July 4 date, Chief Habekost and police lieutenant Bill Brigham said that Vineyard Haven is not very busy on the Fourth of July, when most people head to Edgartown for the parade and fireworks.
The select board also voted to establish a town hall task force consisting of Mr. LaCivita, Lindsay Famaris and Rick Homans, with potentially two more members to be added if desired. The task force is charged with recommending which town-owned property Tisbury should choose for a consolidated municipal center.
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