A juvenile, cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtle is on the road to recovery Friday after washing up on the Chappaquiddick side of Norton Point Beach...

Martha’s Vineyard commissioners wrestled for nearly two hours with a new proposed energy policy at their meeting Thursday night as climate change and...

A crackdown on safety regulations for the Island construction and building industry is now imminent following a heavily-attended virtual town hall...

Edgartown was listed as a high-risk community for Covid-19 spread by the state on Thursday, joining Tisbury in the red zone as new cases on the...

Historian David Silverman and Wampanoag tribe member David Vanderhoop unpacked the true story of the first Thanksgiving in a conversation hosted by...

On Tuesday, the Edgartown police department will turn their cruisers into Thanksgiving dinner delivery mobiles.


News Briefs

This week’s adoption news is that Jeff, the stray tabby cat, has found his new forever home.

Cassandra and Alexander Rossi, of Jersey City, N.J. announce the birth of son, Blake Buddy Rossi, born on March 3.

Leanna Clare Orr and Jesse Richmond Oberst, of Seconsett Island, announce the birth of a son, Daniel Jonathan (Jack) Oberst, born on Dec. 12.
