The Edgartown board of health this week voted to fine and temporarily suspend the license of Maciel & Sons Septic Service.

Overrides, park and rides and expanded warrant size: an altered town meeting season has arrived again on the Vineyard, with delayed capital projects...

West Tisbury selectmen will delay their vote on a new town fire chief for another week, after members of the fire department asked to weigh in on the...

Chilmark seasonal resident Keith Moskow and his business partner Robert Linn are hosting a summer workshop to give real-world experience to 10...

Oak Bluffs selectmen agreed this week to allow the U.S. Coast Guard to continue with lead testing on town property adjacent to the East Chop Light.

The Tisbury select board adopted a formal agreement with the Martha’s Vineyard Museum this week to allow for fundraising and other events on the...


News Briefs

Jennifer Lehman and Alberto Brito, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a son, Isaiah Emmanuel Brito, born on August 18.

Cristiane Correa and Nathan Dagani, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a son, Anthony Arthur Dagani, born on August 20.

Andri Coca-Jose and John S. Leaf, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Valeri Rosa Leaf, born on August 17.
