On Sunday, Nov. 11, children and their parents will bring homemade lanterns to gather at North Tabor Farm for the annual Lantern Walk. This is a...

Thomas Knowles

Unlike the world of professional sports, the concept of a dynasty is not often associated with high school athletics. Because students filter...

The Edgartown selectmen two weeks ago quietly gave a nod of approval to a plan which would convert an area of the inner harbor between the Reading...

Equestrian Benefit An auction and party with food, music, raffles and Clarence (Trip) Barnes 3rd will begin at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at the...

Hello, Sydney Holly and Erik Bruguiere of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Sydney Priscilla Bruguiere, on Oct. 29 at the Martha’s...

Kitty Dukakis

Kitty Dukakis is a passionate advocate of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a treatment she says allowed her six years ago to overcome clinical...
