Portuguese-American Festival Celebrates Vibrant Community By Elizabeth Bomze When Jesse Oliver attended his first Portuguese-American festival...

Sovereignty is in the news these days. It's in Rhode Island, where tempers are running hot in an ongoing skirmish between the Narragansett Indian...

Island Agencies Win U.S. Health Grant Half a Million Dollars Will Address Doctor Shortage, Add Rural Clinic, Provide Brazilian Translators By...

The Club That Does What Needs Doing By CHRIS BURRELL Not a drop of Portuguese blood flows in Barbara Humber's veins. Her ancestry is Scottish...

New County Manager Still on Hold; She Says Nothing Wrong with Resume By MANDY LOCKE One week after Dukes County commissioners hoped to restore...

New County Manager Still on Hold; She Says Nothing Wrong with Resume By MANDY LOCKE One week after Dukes County commissioners hoped to restore...
