Greg G. Clark won the grand prize in a quiet ceremony Sunday afternoon as the 75th derby came to a close.
Volunteer firefighters quelled a fierce fire in the wee hours Sunday morning that completely destroyed an unoccupied home in Chilmark.
A spirited and at times testy Martha’s Vineyard Commission approved its updated DRI checklist on Thursday night.
The up-Island school committee heard updates this week on school re-opening and bringing the entire student body back to the building.
Forced to delay opening this spring, many Island businesses are using an unusually busy fall as a springboard into the darker months.
The total volume of residential development on Martha’s Vineyard has slowed in recent years, while the size of houses has increased.
A request for proposals will go out for a developer for new affordable housing units behind the Aquinnah town hall, after a vote by selectmen Tuesday...
A community forum to discuss the Covid-19 vaccination plan on the Island is planned for Friday by Zoom.
Edgartown selectmen set Feb. 23 at four p.m. for an informal public hearing on a proposed anchoring ban in Cape Pogue this summer.