Tisbury selectmen still have the option to place a student-written plastic bottle ban on the upcoming annual town meeting warrant.
Polls closed at 8 p.m after a day of steady voting in every Island town in the much-watched presidential primary.
Tisbury selectmen have taken another step toward retail recreational marijuana, approving a host-community agreement with Patient Centric.
Amid growing concern about the global coronavirus outbreak, the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School has taken numerous measures including...
As gray seal pupping season comes to an end off the coast of Massachusetts and Maine, scientists are finishing a study.
Closing out the high school winter sports season, Martha’s Vineyard boys hockey and basketball teams ended their playoff runs.
Morgan O’Hara and Michael O’Hara, of West Tisbury and Jupiter, Fla., announce the birth of a daughter, Finley Alice O’Hara, born on July 1.
Massachusetts environmental police are investigating an incident in Menemsha involving the death of a commercial fishermen’s lobster catch.
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