The Covid pandemic has created many stories, and unlike most this is a positive one. Recently a generous donation of almost 100 N95 masks was made to the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center to distribute to those attending our soon-to-be-reopened sanctuary. The masks had been erroneously shipped and delivered weeks ago, not to 130 Centre Street, the home of the Hebrew Center, but to a location with one altered digit. After weeks had passed since the expected delivery, a followup detected the mistake. Not knowing how to proceed, the Tisbury police were consulted. Officer Andrew Silvia received the call from the bewildered president of the center who explained the predicament. Within less than 30 minutes of the call, the masks were retrieved from the mistaken address and placed within the Hebrew Center’s anteroom.

This story is a good example of two Jewish concepts, a mitzvah and a mench. The mitzvah (blessing) describes the donation and exemplary work of officer Silvia. The mench (think of the grandchild who spontaneously carries the grandparents groceries into the house) describes both the donor and Officer Silvia.

This Covid tale is one that exemplifies the joy of living on Martha’s Vineyard. How blessed we are to live in a community where the police are responsive, understanding, prompt and devoted to their professions. This is one reward for being residents on this amazing Island.

Another expression: Yash Koach — your actions are a source of strength.

Robert W. Herman

Vineyard Haven

The writer is president of the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center.