We have no adoptions to report this week, but we do have three wonderful cats in need of homes.

First, we’re looking for a Persian cat lover. Snort, who is aptly named, is a 13-year old, tri-color (calico) Persian with eyes of different colors. She is a bit of a loner but is very sweet, gentle and affectionate. She has lived with both dogs and cats but would probably be happiest as an only pet. This girl is up to date on everything and ready to go so, come on Persian lovers: get this lovely girl.

Our other residents include Willie, a 10-year old, tabby and white cat. Willie is an absolute love bug; he adores being held, purrs like crazy and talks to you to let you know how happy he is. He’s not fond of cats, so should be an only, but he’s fine with children and dogs.

Willie could use to lose some weight so his diet will need to be monitored. Other than that, this is one fantastic cat.

And then there’s Alice, a two-year old, torbi and white cat who is a really lovely yet funny girl who is extremely affectionate and playful. She adores people and loves a comfy lap to sit in, but would do best with an experienced cat owner.

The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard is here for our community. We’re always available and our door is always open should your adoption not be a perfect fit. Also, if anyone is in need of cat food, dog food, or a crate, we have plenty and are happy to share. The Island Food Pantry also has pet food for those in need. Just give us a call during regular shelter hours.

The shelter phone number is 508-627-8662.

Hours are: Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.