I don’t think anyone could complain about the holiday weekend. Yes, we had rain on Sunday, but it was warm, you could get out and do things and I am sure there was lots of packing going on. Whatever it was, I hope you enjoyed it.

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. It is the beginning of the new school year, which means that there is a new birthday list coming. We all know what that means — I have to actually get it from the school office. Seeing that I live next door to the school, you would think I could get it quickly. But I am not that quick. I like to check back on previous years to see how long it took and I am surprised at myself. So, let’s see how I do this year. I hope to have it before October.

On Labor Day, I read on social media that someone had gone to the Stop & Shop and not only was there no traffic, but the store was empty and had vegetables. So, a little later, I decided to go over since I had forgotten three things on Sunday. I pulled in the parking lot and sighed as there were no spaces. On my second trip around, in my usual grumpy fit, I found one. I took a deep breath and reminded myself I only needed three things. But we all know that did not happen because you always find something you don’t need, I was pleasantly surprised to see two people I had not seen all summer. As I went on, there were more and more Islanders in the store and it was nice to see all those familiar faces. I finally left the store with two filled bags, plus the three things I went in for.

Someone also posted that there were only 123 days left in this year. Somehow, this sounds more frightening than 17 more paychecks. At any rate, I better start making a list.

Don’t forget school has started and kids will be on the bikepaths on bikes and scooters. Please drive carefully and keep a watchful eye open.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.